Isabelle & Scott – Mastering Go to Market Download
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Building Your Go-to-Market Machine
You already know that MANY factors must come together to get your product or service into the hands of your ideal customer… But, you may not know how to build a suitable machine before launching new products, entering new markets, or opening new channels.
Not knowing how can make it incredibly difficult to gain an unfair advantage over your competitors.
When you invest in a proper go-to-market strategy, you avoid:
- Jumping into execution mode before understanding the big picture
- Thinking that because you built it, customers will come
- Wasting valuable resources on doing the wrong things
- Switching your strategy too often and expecting your team to catch up
In this 8-week virtual program, with weekly live calls, we’ll give you a step-by-step plan to:
- Clarify and prioritize your target markets
- Define your ideal customer (and the problems you solve for them!)
- Build your account and prospect lists
- Develop a marketing and sales plan that will land new customers
And most importantly, we’ll build a go-to-market strategy together that will help you win in the market.